Friday, January 7, 2011

photography camera parts

A minimal camera consists of:
     * A light proof box (camera body)
     * Lens system
     * Lighter portrait (shutter)
     * Player movie

  • Camera body
Camera body is a room completely light proof, but linked with a lens that was the only place of light. In this section the light focused by the lens will be set to the right about and burn movies.
In the camera for the purpose of art photography, usually added a few key regulator, among others:
     * Regulatory ISO / ASA film.
     * Shutter Speed.
     * Aperture (Aperture).
If the necessary equipment can also be added:
     * Blitz (or more commonly called a flash or flash)
     * Tripod
     * Lightmeter

                                                                          tripod picture

Tripod in photography, is the tool booth for help for the camera body can stand up straight and tall. This dimakudkan to reduce fatigue photographer in taking pictures and reduces noise caused by shake the hands of photographers.
Tripod is usually used when a photographer using a shutter speed in the figure of 30 or more slowly or using a camera lens with a focal length over 200 mm.

  • Lens system
Lens system mounted on the front hole of the box, in the form of a single lens made of plastic or glass, or a number of lenses arranged in a metal cylinder. The level of light retardation expressed by number f, or relative aperture. The lower the f number, the greater the smaller the opening or penghalangannya level. Aperture diaphragm is arranged by the window. Relative aperture is set by a diaphragm. For SLR cameras, lens aperture diaphragm regulator is equipped with a set amount of light entering suit photographers. Lens type faster or slower lens is determined by the range of F which can be used. Besides the normal lens, wide angle lens is also known (wide lens), small-angle lens (telephoto lens), and variable lens (variable lens, or by the layman is called the zoom lens. Wide-angle lens has a focal length which is smaller than normal lens. But as it depends on the width of film used. For the film 35 millimeters, 35 millimeters lens will be called wide-angle lens, while lens 135 millimeters telephoto lens will be called. Variable lens can be changed focus distance, by changing the relative position of the lens elements. The lens will focus light so that the resulting image to fit the movie. Grouped according to length of the lens focal length (distance between the two lenses). Focal length affects the composition of images that can be produced. In the general population, better known as zoom. 

  • Lighter Portrait
Lighters portrait shutter button or mounted behind the lens or between the lenses. Most SLR cameras have a timer mechanism to allow varying the shutter opening time. This time is short shutter is opened, allowing the beam of light on film.
Some ordinary people consider the ability of the camera equal to the maximum shutter speed that can be used.

  • Other Sections
Other parts of a camera, among others:
    1. Mechanisms play the movie rolls for the parts of the film turns to be revealed at the object
    2. Focus mechanism which can vary the distance between the lens and the film,
    3. Photography composition scanner (range finder) that shows what will be photographed as well as whether the main object will be focused
    4. lightmeter to help set the shutter speed and / or size of openings, for the amount of light on the film sufficiently precise in order to obtain a satisfactory image or picture.

Some cameras, especially the type of pocket cameras usually do not have any of these parts

Photography Technic

Composition is the arrangement of the object image as a whole in the image area so that objects become the center of attention (POI = Point of Interest). By adjusting the composition of photos, we also can build a "mood" of a picture and balance the whole object.
Speaking of composition, always associated with the sensitivity and "sense" (sense). For that very necessary effort to train our sensitivity for can take pictures with good composition.
Below are general guidelines that are simple and commonly used to produce the composition of a good photo. We can also begin to learn and hone sensitivity by following the guidelines below.
Rule of thirds. (Third part)
In general rules of photography, photo field actually divided into 9 equal parts. A third part is a technique where we place objects on the third part of the photo. This is very different from what the General is where we always put the object in the middle of the photo.
Shooting Angle (Angle of View)
One element that builds a photo composition is the angle of the object. Angle of this object is determined by the goal shooting. Therefore if we get one moment and want to get the best result, never be afraid to shoot from different angles. Start from the standard (parallel to the object), then try with different points of view from the top, bottom, side to the extreme angle.
Diagonal line pattern Composition, Horizontal, Vertical, Curve.
In Nature photography, line pattern is also one element that can strengthen the object image. The pattern of this line was built from a mix of other elements that exist within an image. For example, trees, twigs, leaves, line the horizon, mountain, road, roof lines, etc. ..
The elements which form the pattern of this line should be placed in the third part of the photo. The pattern of these lines can make images become more balanced composition of dynamic and not rigid.
Background (BG) and foreground (FG)
Background and foreground are the objects that are behind or in front of the core objects from a photo. BG and FG Ideally this is to strengthen the impression and the focus of attention of the eye to the object.
It also "mood" of a photograph is also determined from the elements that exist in the BG or FG. BG and FG, should not be more dominant (too obvious) than the core object. One way is to blur (Blur) BG and the FG through the diaphragm settings.

Edelweiss Anaphalis javanica


Edelweiss Anaphalis javanica is a famous mountain plants, this plant can reach a height of 8 m and has a trunk of a human foot, but this beautiful plant is now very rare.
Edelweiss is a pioneer plant for young volcanic soils in mountain forests and able to maintain its existence in a barren land, being able to form mycorrhizae with certain soil fungi that effectively expand the area covered by the roots and increase efficiency in the search for nutrients. The flowers are very favored by the insect, more than 300 kinds of insects such as fleas, tirip, butterflies, flies, wasps and bees seen visiting.
If the plant is allowed to grow their branches sturdy enough, edelweiss can become nesting places for birds Tiung Myophonus glaucinus sly stone. Edelweiss parts often are picked and brought down from the mountains for reasons of aesthetic and spiritual, or just a memento by the climbers. In February to October 1988, there were 636 recorded rods had been taken from Gunung Gede-Pangrango. Within certain limits, and all just small pieces that are picked, this pressure can be faced.

Unfortunately greed and false hopes have been sacrificed many populations, especially populations located in the paths. The research has been done shows that edelweiss can be propagated easily by cutting the branches. Therefore, the pieces may be sold to visitors to reduce pressure on wild populations.

Pakis Ekor Monyet

 This plant is fairly rare, quite a lot of synonyms Hanuman fern, fern sun go kong, etc.. The name that many assumed was not caused by the external appearance of this fern own.Unlike other plant leaves, the plant is actually furry / hairy like a monkey. Treatment of these plants on the basis of sources that I read is not difficult, the difficult mind-power to make this plant a lot of rare and hunted by collectors of rare plants.